In 2013 were exported 33,476 tons 4.5% more than the previous year and 29.3% more than in 2009. Please download the attached document应该说墨西哥蜂蜜近些年的蜂蜜出口一直呈上升趋势.在此我们稍微梳理一下墨西哥历年蜂蜜出口数据:2009年出口约25879吨,2010年出口约26798吨,2011年出口约27078吨,2012年出口约32049吨,2013年出口约33476吨.这些年排在墨西哥蜂蜜前三位的国家分别为:德国,美国和英国,其中对德国的蜂蜜出口占压倒性多数.以2013年为例.墨西哥蜂蜜总出口量约为33476吨,对德国的出口数量就为17506吨,可见德国市场对墨西哥蜂蜜出口的重要性.
乌克兰农业政策部门说2013年乌克兰出口蜂蜜数量为1万7千吨.去年蜂蜜生产水平维持在7万吨的产量,蜂农人数40万他们共育有约4百万箱蜂.The country exported 17,000 tons of honey in 2013, as the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine said. Last year's honey production was maintained at the previous level of 70,000 tons, all produced by a total of 400,000 farmers keeping about 4 million beehives.
该地区由于流蜜期遭遇大面积降雨导致蜂蜜严重减产.据当地农业发展部门统计商用蜂蜜的减产量达到80%,从以往的41吨减少到目前的8.2吨.Honey production in the district took a nosedive in the district due to terrible monsoon during the flowering season. District Agriculture Development Office has said that the commercial honey production has declined by a staggering 80 percent to 8.2 tons from 41 tons this season compared to the last.