

 蜂群有趣的地方就在于整个蜂巢活动都是配合作为统治者的女王蜂而展开的,个体蜂离开蜂群无法存活.每只蜜蜂都有自己的职责,而且也都不知疲倦的履行着职责.一个蜂群由三类蜂组成,它们是雄峰,工蜂和女王蜂. The fascinating thing about a honey bee colony is that the whole hive works in concert with the queen as conductor to maintain and further the hive and the individual bee cannot survive without the colony. Every bee has a function and every bee knows it's function which it performs tirelessly. There are three types of bees found in a colony- the drone, the worker and the queen.  雄峰顾名思义是蜂群中的雄性,很幸运他用不着工作,也不负责繁衍后代,搜集食物和建巢.他甚至不能养活自己,这些工作都靠工蜂(雌性)来操持.雄峰生命中唯一的作用就是与女王蜂交配.  The Drone The drone is the male of the hive and leads a charmed life as he does not work, does not help with the offspring, gathering food or helping build the hive. He does not even feed himself, the female workers do. It has only one purpose in life- to mate with the queen.工蜂工蜂与雄峰形成鲜明对比,她们负责除产卵以外的一切蜂巢事务性工作.她们建巢,维修,打扫巢础,搜寻食物,哺育幼虫,饲喂女王蜂,侦察蜜源,确定方位,酿蜜护巢.The Worker In stark contrast to the drones, the females do everything in the hive except lay eggs. They construct, maintain and clean the comb, forage for food, feed the larvae, feed the queen, scout for resources, scout for locations, make honey and protect the hive. 女王蜂正常情况下一巢蜂里只有一只是女王蜂,她被奉为女王是因为蜂群里只有她具备产卵能力.她可以说是个"产仔机器"一天就可以产2000枚卵.女王蜂很容易被发现,因为她的腹腔较工蜂要大稍,雄峰会向她求爱,或总有小群蜜蜂围绕侍奉在她身边照顾她的起居饮食.The Queen           There is normally only one queen per hive and she is treated like royalty because she is the only one capable of laying eggs in the colony. She is a baby making machine and can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day. She can be identified by her abdomen, which is slightly larger than the worker bee. She can also be spotted by the 'court', or small group of attendants that constantly surround her and care for her every need including feeding her and getting rid of her waste.  


         我们是蜂蜜爱好者,一位在南半球的澳洲从事天然麦卢卡蜂蜜的推广,一位在北半球的中国曾从事过几年中国蜂蜜的出口贸易,我们秉承FROM HIVE TO YOU的朴素理念对推广纯天然蜂蜜有着无比的热情。我们愿尽自己绵薄之力让大家有机会享受到世界各地的天然蜂蜜。我们也愿做桥梁,让"我爱蜂蜜网" 成为世界各国天然蜂蜜交流的平台。我们求同不伐异,我们是天然蜂蜜的 "传递者",我们不是蜂蜜的"制造者"。