

  蜂胶是蜜蜂用来保护自己蜂巢不受外界污染的天然抗菌素.人类则把它用于提高免疫力和抗感染上.它具有超强的抗菌,抗病毒,防腐,抗真菌作用,同时它还可以直接用于创面不大的外伤,也可做成喷剂保护喉嗓,或作成胶囊,液体,总之可起到提高人体免疫力的作用.它有别于传统的抗生素药物,蜂胶已经被发现具有帮助人体抗病毒的功效.它同时是一种营养品富含氨基酸,抗氧化类黄酮,高维生素,并含有14到15种人体正常所需的矿物质. 信息来源:http://www.propolis.com.au/ Propolis is a natural antibiotic used by bees to protect their hive from infection – and used by humans to boost their immune systems and fight infection. With powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal properties, Propolis can be applied directly to the skin to sterilise minor cuts and wounds, used as a mouth spray to assist in good oral health, or taken in capsule or liquid form to assist in general immunity boosting. Unlike conventional antibiotics, Propolis has also been found to be effective in assisting the body to fight viruses . Propolis is nutritious, rich in amino acids and antioxidant bioflavonoids, high in vitamins, and contains 14 of the 15 minerals needed by our bodies for normal function.


         我们是蜂蜜爱好者,一位在南半球的澳洲从事天然麦卢卡蜂蜜的推广,一位在北半球的中国曾从事过几年中国蜂蜜的出口贸易,我们秉承FROM HIVE TO YOU的朴素理念对推广纯天然蜂蜜有着无比的热情。我们愿尽自己绵薄之力让大家有机会享受到世界各地的天然蜂蜜。我们也愿做桥梁,让"我爱蜂蜜网" 成为世界各国天然蜂蜜交流的平台。我们求同不伐异,我们是天然蜂蜜的 "传递者",我们不是蜂蜜的"制造者"。