

  蜂胶是已被人类发现的天然抗菌素.古希腊人和古罗马人用它来治疗皮肤破损,古埃及人则把它用在木乃伊的制作加工上.时至今日,世界卫生组织已经认可蜂胶是一种非常重要的天然药材. 蜂胶是一种通过蜜蜂从树皮,树芽或者其它植物组织上采集来的树脂.蜜蜂把这些物质带回蜂巢,辅之以分泌出的唾液和蜂蜡(脂肪酸),所以其化学成分构成为:55%植物树脂,30%的蜂蜡,10%的香精油和5%的花粉.最终形成一种绿色粘性树脂,蜜蜂把它涂抹在蜂巢内部防止细菌侵害.创造一个无菌环境.蜂胶会根据蜜源植物不同在色泽和化学成分上有些许差异.  信息来源http://www.waxgreen.com.br/br/ What is propolis? Propolis is the natural antibiotic man has ever discovered.Greeks and Romans used it to treat skin lesions,and Egyptians used it in the mummification process. Today the World Health Organizationhas recognized Propolis as an important product for natural cure. Propolis is a resin collected by bees from tree barks ,buds or other parts of plant tissues. Bees transport these substances into the hive,add salivary secretions and wax(fatty acids), so the chemical composition stays distributed as follow: 55% vegetal resins, 30% beeswax, 10% essential oilsand 5% pollen. The final product is a green sticky resin bees use to varnish thehive interior to protect it and to ensure a sterile environment. As it happens with honey,propolis may present small changes in color and chemical composition according to the flora itoriginates from. 


         我们是蜂蜜爱好者,一位在南半球的澳洲从事天然麦卢卡蜂蜜的推广,一位在北半球的中国曾从事过几年中国蜂蜜的出口贸易,我们秉承FROM HIVE TO YOU的朴素理念对推广纯天然蜂蜜有着无比的热情。我们愿尽自己绵薄之力让大家有机会享受到世界各地的天然蜂蜜。我们也愿做桥梁,让"我爱蜂蜜网" 成为世界各国天然蜂蜜交流的平台。我们求同不伐异,我们是天然蜂蜜的 "传递者",我们不是蜂蜜的"制造者"。