

麦卢卡蜂蜜采自茶树蜜源,以其杀灭有害微生物,抗菌,消炎功效而闻名。通常应用于外伤,烧伤以及咽喉不适和胃肠功能紊乱。其医药效果要归功于一种被称为“丙酮醛”的物质,它促进蜜蜂把从花朵中采集的原蜜转化为真正的蜂蜜,同时该物质也显示出抗癌的功效。麦卢卡蜂蜜中的药效成分是按照每公斤蜂蜜当中含多少毫克丙酮醛来描述的(mg/kg)。那么,为什么麦卢卡蜂蜜上会有UMF标识哪?多年以来新西兰蜂农爱用UMF含量来推销他们的麦卢卡蜂蜜。UMF源自Unique Manuka Factor(独特麦卢卡因子)的首写字母。其实测量UMF试验一直很难标准化,导致很多试验室得出错误结果。直到2009年由Astrott和 Henle发表在《捷克食品科学周刊》上的一种检测方法才被认可为通用检测方法。
Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the tea tree and is famous for its antimicrobial,anti-fungal and antiinflammatory properties.It is commonly applied to wounds and burns as well as being taken orally for throat and stomach conditions. Its medicinal properties are attributable to a substance called methylgoxal which is created as the bees turn nectar into honey and has also been shown to exert an anti cancer effect. The medicinal potential of manuka honey is expressed in milligrams of methylgoxal per kilogram of honey (mg/kg) 。What are UMF ratings? For many years, New Zealand beekeepers have used a UMF rating to promote their manuka honey.UMF stands for Unique Manuka Factor. The UMF test however is difficult to standardize, and has led to many laboratories providing inaccurate results. A formula established by Astrott and Henle and published in the Czech journal of Food Science in 2009.


         我们是蜂蜜爱好者,一位在南半球的澳洲从事天然麦卢卡蜂蜜的推广,一位在北半球的中国曾从事过几年中国蜂蜜的出口贸易,我们秉承FROM HIVE TO YOU的朴素理念对推广纯天然蜂蜜有着无比的热情。我们愿尽自己绵薄之力让大家有机会享受到世界各地的天然蜂蜜。我们也愿做桥梁,让"我爱蜂蜜网" 成为世界各国天然蜂蜜交流的平台。我们求同不伐异,我们是天然蜂蜜的 "传递者",我们不是蜂蜜的"制造者"。